Saturday, April 23, 2011

Garden season/Farmers Market!!

Jason loves to plant!!!! I am eagerly learning and observing my husband. He was anxious to plant last Friday, but we had horrible weather, so he had been itching to get into the dirt and plant his vegetables all weekend   As soon as he got home from work on Monday my husband got his planting gear together and planted all his vegetables in the front of our house (we don't have sunlight in the back so we used potted plants). 
our potted sidewalk garden

I was so motivated by my husband's planting enthusiasm that I decided to take a trip to the nearby nursery/farmers market!! It was awesome, all the plants were absolutely beautiful and smelled wonderful (I don't have allergies).   I picked up a tropical plant for our guest room, herbs for the kitchen and some vegetables for a smoothie. The farmers market provides fresh produce at a lower costs, and what's in season.  I will be making a few more trips to the farmers market for some more plants in the future.  

 In the future Jason and I will hopefully have our own sprawling garden filled with numerous veges and fruit.  Until then I will enjoy the garden we have and view some inspirational pictures for our future one:
Herb Garden (Martha Stewart)
Martha Stewart's Garden

Of course the garden from the movie It's complicated.
The design is absolutely wonderful!

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