Sunday, September 19, 2010

John Legend Houseparty

This past weekend Jason and I hosted a John Legend Houseparty, celebrating the release of John Legend and The Roots upcoming album!! We went with a lounge feel with tons of fun and lots of food and games.  Our menu was themed after philly cream cheese since most of the members of The Roots are from Philly, along with some fried chicken wings (John Legends favorite food).  We played a few games, had signature cocktails and has a great time; here are some pics!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Summer Wrap Up Finale!!!

I've missed a few days but I want to give a great big shout out to my cousin Caleb, it was his birthday on the 6th and his birthday is always special to me because I was actually there during his birth and it was amazing!!!  Happy 11th Birthday CJ!!!!

So this summer has been amazing! Jason and I also went to Miami to witness my nephews baby dedication and my sister's wedding!! I was so happy to be with my family we had an amazing time!!!!

Along with that we also did a whole lot grilling and planted our own peppers, tomotaoes and cucumber!!! It was really awesome!!!

I am so looking forward to this fall.  I plan on going to Callaway Gardens with my family and seeing the fall foilage (I'll send pictures).  I want to also visit my family at home in Canada and pick some delicious Canadian apples (yum)!!!! I hope to walk in the mornings now that it won't be as hot!! And of course I plan to perfect my cooking skills with winter stews, soups, breads, and pies!!! If you have any recipes you absolutely love or want me try send them my way!!

What are your plans for this fall?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Summer Wrap Up Part 2

Jason celebrated his 30th birthday this year and I surprised him (kinda) by taking him to Gulf Shores, Alabama (before it got too infested with tar).  He was pretty bummed about turning 30 so I had to find a way to cheer him up and welcome 30 with a smile. I knew Jason hadn't been to Gulf Shore since he was really young so I thought it would be nice for him to take a visit for his birthday!!! I know what you are thinking, isn't that where the oil spill hit.  Yes it was, but I thought it was important to support the area and we also went early in the summer (End of May) before there was tar, so it was still really great! We rented a condo with VRBO, (great place to rent)!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Summer Wrap up Part1

Wow the summer is almost over, and fall is about to be begin!! This summer has been a really enjoyable one and I thought that throughout this week I would write a quick wrap up about the activities Jason and I did during summer 2010!!

So, Let's start from the beginning. I started my summer with the end of my employment at Manchester High School. Working there was my first time ever experiencing the world of public highschool! It was very interesting, with it's up and downs, but all in all it was an exerience that I am blessed to have had. We ended the school year with a small celebration, for the graduating class of 2010, with lots of food, cupcakes (by moi), fun and laughter! I was really proud of the students and will continue praying for them to be champions and think big!!!

Share with me your first activity of summer 2010!!
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Birthday

So my birthday has come and gone and I had such a great time!!! Jason got me a cuisinart stand mixer, and the meat grinder attachment! I know......awesome!! I absolutely love it and have used it to make more than 100 cupcakes (fundraiser), turkey burgers, rolls, and more (Recipes to come)!!!  Jason gave my my gift on the 6th!! He was so excited to give me my gift he couldn't wait 20 more days!

my bday gift
(sorry about the date, still figuring this all out!)
 On my birthday Jason and my mom planned for me to go the Callaway Gardens Spa in Pine Mountain, check it our here!! It was awesome! I felt so relaxed and happy! After the spa Jason and I had an awesome dinner at the Callaway Gardens Piedmont Dining Room, it was yummy, yummy, yummy!!!

Callaway Spa BirthDay!!
I was so happy and appreciative of all the birthday wishes I recieved on facebook!!  All in all it was a great birthday; I feel blessed and happy that God has given me another year of life and blessings!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Virgin to Bloggin

So I thought that it would be cool start my own blog!!! I am super excited about it.  Since Jason and I have moved out to Georgia, I have slacked with keeping up with everybody so I figured bloggin would be fun; I know I enjoy other blogs. I've learned a lot and gained new talents and skills being out here in the country and would love to share them with you. Though my life might not be super exciting, I feel that Jason and I are blessed and would love to share our blessing, and experiences with you through this blog! So here goes!!!!! Enjoy!!!